Latvia - Riga
Turaida Museum Reserve

The Turaida Museum Reserve was established in the historical centre of Turaida and on the basis of the Sigulda Local History Museum, by virtue of Instruction
No. 361 of the Soviet Latvian Council of Ministers (4 November 1988), “On the Establishment of the Turaida Museum Reserve.” The collection of the museum reserve is based on the rich environmental,
tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the historical centre of Turaida, as developed over the course of the past millennium.
The historical centre of Turaida includes nearly all of the elements of typical cultural and historical centres in Latvia – a hill fort with the foundations of a wooden castle, a Medieval stone castle,
a church, a cemetery, the buildings of a baronial estate, the centre of a kolkhoz, a park, a system of ponds, green areas, roads, paths and routes, and a cultural and historical landscape to bring it all together.
There are plenty of cultural and historical centres inLatvia, both in cities and in rural areas. This particularly applies to former baronial estates. The historical centre of Turaida, however,
is particularly attractive, because it is on the banks of the ancientGaujaRiverValleyand is part of the territory of theGaujaNational Park.
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